Thomas Coates
Thomas Coates
Professor of Pediatrics, USC
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MRI R2 and R2* mapping accurately estimates hepatic iron concentration in transfusion-dependent thalassemia and sickle cell disease patients
JC Wood, C Enriquez, N Ghugre, JM Tyzka, S Carson, MD Nelson, ...
Blood 106 (4), 1460-1465, 2005
A phase 3 study of deferasirox (ICL670), a once-daily oral iron chelator, in patients with β-thalassemia
MD Cappellini, A Cohen, A Piga, M Bejaoui, S Perrotta, L Agaoglu, ...
Blood 107 (9), 3455-3462, 2006
The cost of health care for children and adults with sickle cell disease
TL Kauf, TD Coates, L Huazhi, N Mody‐Patel, AG Hartzema
American journal of hematology 84 (6), 323-327, 2009
Myocardial iron loading in transfusion-dependent thalassemia and sickle cell disease
JC Wood, JM Tyszka, S Carson, MD Nelson, TD Coates
Blood 103 (5), 1934-1936, 2004
A randomised comparison of deferasirox versus deferoxamine for the treatment of transfusional iron overload in sickle cell disease
E Vichinsky, O Onyekwere, J Porter, P Swerdlow, J Eckman, P Lane, ...
British journal of haematology 136 (3), 501-508, 2007
A phase 3 trial of luspatercept in patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia
MD Cappellini, V Viprakasit, AT Taher, P Georgiev, KHM Kuo, T Coates, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 382 (13), 1219-1231, 2020
Cardiac iron determines cardiac T2*, T2, and T1 in the gerbil model of iron cardiomyopathy
JC Wood, M Otto-Duessel, M Aguilar, H Nick, MD Nelson, TD Coates, ...
Circulation 112 (4), 535-543, 2005
Longitudinal analysis of heart and liver iron in thalassemia major
LJ Noetzli, SM Carson, AS Nord, TD Coates, JC Wood
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 112 (7), 2973-2978, 2008
Increased neutrophil respiratory burst in bcr-null mutants
JW Voncken, H van Schaick, V Kaartinen, K Deemer, T Coates, B Landing, ...
Cell 80 (5), 719-728, 1995
Consequences and costs of noncompliance with iron chelation therapy in patients with transfusion‐dependent thalassemia: a literature review
TE Delea, J Edelsberg, O Sofrygin, SK Thomas, JF Baladi, PD Phatak, ...
Transfusion 47 (10), 1919-1929, 2007
Mechanism of cigarette smoke condensate induced adhesion of human monocytes to cultured endothelial cells
VK Kalra, Y Ying, K Deemer, TD Coates, R Natarajan, JL Nadler
Journal of cellular physiology 160 (1), 154-162, 1994
Physiology and pathophysiology of iron in hemoglobin-associated diseases
TD Coates
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 72, 23-40, 2014
Pancreatic iron loading predicts cardiac iron loading in thalassemia major
LJ Noetzli, J Papudesi, TD Coates, JC Wood
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 114 (19), 4021-4026, 2009
Lactoferrin deficiency associated with altered granulocyte function
LA Boxer, TD Coates, RA Haak, JB Wolach, S Hoffstein, RL Baehner
The New England journal of medicine 307 (7), 404-410, 1982
Magnetic resonance imaging of bone marrow disease in children.
MD Cohen, EC Klatte, R Baehner, JA Smith, P Martin-Simmerman, ...
Radiology 151 (3), 715-718, 1984
Physiology and pathophysiology of iron cardiomyopathy in thalassemia
JC Wood, C Enriquez, N Ghugre, M OTTO‐DUESSEL, M Aguilar, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1054 (1), 386-395, 2005
Metabolic, membrane, and functional responses of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes to platelet-activating factor
LM Ingraham, TD Coates, JM Allen, CP Higgins, RL Baehner, LA Boxer
Improved R2* measurements in myocardial iron overload
NR Ghugre, CM Enriquez, TD Coates, MD Nelson Jr, JC Wood
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: An Official Journal of the …, 2006
Placenta growth factor activates monocytes and correlates with sickle cell disease severity
N Perelman, SK Selvaraj, S Batra, LR Luck, A Erdreich-Epstein, ...
Blood 102 (4), 1506-1514, 2003
Pancreatic iron and glucose dysregulation in thalassemia major
LJ Noetzli, SD Mittelman, RM Watanabe, TD Coates, JC Wood
American journal of hematology 87 (2), 155-160, 2012
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