Krzysztof J. Rechowicz
Krzysztof J. Rechowicz
Center for Mission Engineering, Old Dominion University
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Estimating cognitive workload in an interactive virtual reality environment using EEG
C Tremmel, C Herff, T Sato, K Rechowicz, Y Yamani, DJ Krusienski
Frontiers in human neuroscience 13, 401, 2019
Surgical Procedure Planning and Training Tool
FD McKenzie, S Bawab, K Rechowicz, S Knisley, F Frantz, RE Kelly
US Patent App. 13/161,093, 2012
Designing natural-tooth-shaped dental implants based on soft-kill option optimization
Y Yoon, X Sun, JK Huang, G Hou, K Rechowicz, FD McKenzie
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 10 (1), 59-72, 2013
Development and validation methodology of the Nuss procedure surgical planner
KJ Rechowicz, FD McKenzie
Simulation 89 (12), 1474-1488, 2013
Validation of an objective assessment instrument for non-surgical treatments of chest wall deformities
MF Obeid, N Kidane, KJ Rechowicz, S Chemlal, RE Kelly, FD McKenzie
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 22, 273-280, 2016
Designing modeling and simulation user experiences: an empirical study using virtual art creation
KJ Rechowicz, SY Diallo, KB D’An, J Solomon
2018 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 135-146, 2018
Developing clinically relevant aspects of the nuss procedure surgical simulator
S Chemlal, KJ Rechowicz, MF Obeid, RE Kelly, FD McKenzie
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 21, 51-55, 2014
Patient specific modeling of pectus excavatum for the Nuss procedure simulation
KJ Rechowicz, MF Obeid, FD McKenzie
Bio-imaging and visualization for patient-customized simulations, 113-125, 2014
Development of an average chest shape for objective evaluation of the aesthetic outcome in the Nuss procedure planning process
KJ Rechowicz, R Kelly, M Goretsky, F Frantz, S Knisley, D Nuss, ...
26th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference SBEC 2010, April 30-May 2 …, 2010
Making digital sense [s]: fundamentals
KJ Rechowicz, SY Diallo, HM Garcia, JB Shull, B Cvijetic
Proceedings of the Annual Simulation Symposium, 13, 2018
Simulation of the critical steps of the Nuss procedure
KJ Rechowicz, MF Obeid, S Chemlal, FD McKenzie
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging …, 2015
A design for simulating and validating the Nuss procedure for the minimally invasive correction of pectus excavatum
KJ Rechowicz, R Kelly, M Goretsky, FW Frantz, SB Knisley, D Nuss, ...
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 18, 473-475, 2011
How to create empathy and understanding: narrative analytics in agent-based modeling
SY Diallo, CJ Lynch, KJ Rechowicz, G Zacharewicz
2018 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 1286-1297, 2018
The use of artificial intelligence to detect students' sentiments and emotions in gross anatomy reflections
KJ Rechowicz, CA Elzie
Anatomical Sciences Education 17 (5), 954-966, 2024
Energy intensity as an ecological factor in the selection of the manufacturing process
A Soroczyński, R Haratym, K Rechowicz
Welding Technology Review 91 (3), 2019
Process Driven Framework for Augmented Reality in a Manufacturing Environment
KJ Rechowicz, H Garcia
The 15th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, 65-72, 2016
Promoting skills in children and teens with autism spectrum disorder through play and steam
MML Mozingo, KJ Rechowicz
Internet-of-Things Devices in Support of the Development of Echoic Skills among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
KJ Rechowicz, JB Shull, MM Hascall, SY Diallo, KJ O’Brien
Sensors 21 (13), 2021
Towards a Hybrid Virtual/Physical Nuss Procedure Surgical Simulator
MF Obeid, ES Heo, KJ Rechowicz, E Kelly, Robert, FD McKenzie
4th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care (IWISH 2015), 2015
A strategy for simulating and validating the nuss procedure for the minimally invasive correction of pectus excavatum
KJ Rechowicz, FD McKenzie
2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics …, 2011
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