Andrei Stoian
Andrei Stoian
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Continual learning for robotics: Definition, framework, learning strategies, opportunities and challenges
T Lesort, V Lomonaco, A Stoian, D Maltoni, D Filliat, N Díaz-Rodríguez
Information fusion 58, 52-68, 2020
Land cover maps production with high resolution satellite image time series and convolutional neural networks: Adaptations and limits for operational systems
A Stoian, V Poulain, J Inglada, V Poughon, D Derksen
Remote Sensing 11 (17), 1986, 2019
Generative models from the perspective of continual learning
T Lesort, H Caselles-Dupré, M Garcia-Ortiz, A Stoian, D Filliat
2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2019
Regularization shortcomings for continual learning
T Lesort, A Stoian, D Filliat
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.03049, 2019
Deep and low-level feature based attribute learning for person re-identification
Y Chen, S Duffner, A Stoian, JY Dufour, A Baskurt
Image and Vision Computing 79, 25-34, 2018
Marginal replay vs conditional replay for continual learning
T Lesort, A Gepperth, A Stoian, D Filliat
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 466-480, 2019
Continual learning for robotics
T Lesort, V Lomonaco, A Stoian, D Maltoni, D Filliat, N Dıaz-Rodrıguez
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.00182, 1-34, 2019
Fast action localization in large scale video archives
A Stoian, M Ferecatu, J Benois-Pineau, M Crucianu
Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2015
Ship detection in sentinel 2 multi-spectral images with self-supervised learning
A Ciocarlan, A Stoian
Remote Sensing 13 (21), 4255, 2021
Deep neural networks for encrypted inference with tfhe
A Stoian, J Frery, R Bredehoft, L Montero, C Kherfallah, ...
International Symposium on Cyber Security, Cryptology, and Machine Learning …, 2023
Pedestrian Attribute Recognition with Part-based CNN and Combined Feature Representations
Y Chen, S Duffner, A Stoian, JY Dufour, A Baskurt
13th VISIGRAPP VISAPP 2018 5, 114-122, 2018
Training discriminative models to evaluate generative ones
T Lesort, A Stoian, JF Goudou, D Filliat
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2019: Image Processing …, 2019
Frugal Learning for Interactive Satellite Image Change Detection
H Sahbi, S Deschamps, A Stoian
2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 2811 …, 2021
Privacy-preserving tree-based inference with fully homomorphic encryption
J Frery, A Stoian, R Bredehoft, L Montero, C Kherfallah, ...
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2023
Concrete ML: a privacy-preserving machine learning library using fully homomorphic encryption for data scientists (2022)
A Meyre, B Chevallier-Mames, J Frery, A Stoian, R Bredehoft, L Montero, ...
Active learning for interactive satellite image change detection
H Sahbi, S Deschamps, A Stoian
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.04250, 2021
Similarity learning with listwise ranking for person re-identification
Y Chen, S Duffner, A Baskurt, A Stoian, JY Dufour
2018 25th IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 843-847, 2018
Triplet CNN and pedestrian attribute recognition for improved person re-identification
Y Chen, S Duffner, A Stoian, JY Dufour, A Baskurt
2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2017
A scalable summary generation method based on cross-modal consensus clustering and OLAP cube modeling
G Sargent, KR Perez-Daniel, A Stoian, J Benois-Pineau, S Maabout, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 75, 9073-9094, 2016
List-wise learning-to-rank with convolutional neural networks for person re-identification
Y Chen, S Duffner, A Stoian, JY Dufour, A Baskurt
Machine Vision and Applications 32, 1-14, 2021
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